Hamux is a CentOS based repository with ham radio software. It is compatible with the EPEL project. I hope it will become a community project, not just mine.


Hamux hasn't been forgotten! I have had alot outside the project that has taken a lot of my time. I am back to development. I am checking CentOS 7 and have discovered some of the files I've been building for CentOS are now available for CentOS 7 in EPEL. I will be removing these files from my development. If all the packages we are building are available on EPEL, then Hamux as a distribution/repository will be rolled under the CentOS 7 SIGs.

Hamux 6 64bit LiveCD Release Candidate 2 (RC2) is now available for download. Check the Downloads section for the iso, and the News section for more information.

Hamux 6 32bit LiveCD Release Candidate 1 (RC1) is now available for download. Check the Downloads section for the iso, and the News section for more information.

CHIRP is now part of the Hamux Repositories. CHIRP allows you to program your radio. No more WINE or Windows needed!